Wednesday, September 17, 2014

42 Degrees is FRIGID !

When I was loading my bike on the truck to head to the race last Sunday morning I thought to myself:  "Why am I doing this?"  I initially signed up for the race as a precursor to the half-iron distance race I'm doing on October 5 in St. Louis...I haven't raced in a few years so I thought it might be nice to "get my feet wet" with something a lot shorter in distance.Little did I know that temps would be in the low 40's!  ("getting my feet wet" actually became literal as I found myself standing at the race start with my feet in the water because the water temps were 30 degrees warmer than the air!)    As I agonized on the way to the race site, I came up with a bazillion reasons why I should just drive back to Delaware and continue with a warmer afternoon workout...even my navigation system which seemed to be taking me on every winding back road possible to get to the race seemed to give me reason to just bag it!  Fortunately, as we finally pulled into the parking lot and I saw the other 500 crazy people there getting ready to race too...I felt slightly more at ease about testing my fitness levels.

The race was actually delayed for 30 minutes because of the fog on the water.  As the start time got nearer, Shalene and I were relunctant to take off our sweats, but started to shimmie our way into our wetsuits anyway.  Headed to the race start and standing barefoot on the wet ground was not pleasant...and then we realized we'd be more comfy standing in the water to wait for our wave start.

In conclusion, it turned out being a really nice day.  The bike course was tough for everyone...and I still had to wear a long-sleeved jacket on the bike, but both Shalene and I finished 2nd in our age groups (1st would've been better...but hey...I'm old now!)   and we traveled home happy to have completed the race and conquered the frost!

Jeremy....I hope to have your same motivation at the end of my Border Wars Half-Iron Distance race and I'll soon have my IM confirmation number too!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


As I lay here in bed I've been pondering the reasons one puts in the training time, effort, dedication, sacrifice and EXTREME selfishness to compete in an IRONMAN.
I can confidently say my motivation today is new and unique compared to 2007. In 07' I was still in college and just putting in enough time to hear the epic phrase "You are an IRONMAN," 12:22;42- A time I'll always be able to recite effortlessly!

I struggle to pinpoint just one reason so here is my list - competition, self-improvement, accomplishment, proving time and patience does heal injuries, comradery, finish line photos with Hayden and now I'm always dreaming about Kona- actually qualifying or (more realistic) lottery! 

While I haven't actually signed up yet I've started penciling in what it will take for IMKY in 2015. Hayden will be putting in a lot of miles with his Dad and ill be fast as lightening on the run course without the damn stroller! 

Congrats to all racers this year - especially my wife for killing an Olympic distance tri 7.5 months after bringing Hayden into the world!

Cheers as the summer winds down and fall settles in. My next post will hopefully include my IMKY confirmation number!