Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Let The Taper Begin!

Ran 12 miles this morning!  It was slower than the saying goes... but it's done!  Generally I'm a little antsy during a Half- Iron or Ironman taper...but with half-marathon in the near future I'm just happy as a bee in a bonnett and ready to run just a little less!

Want to give a SHOUT OUT to Ann Kurtenbach for completing IM Lake Tahoe!  I heard it was an interesting experience?  Snow falling on the eve of the race and temps in the 30's at the start of the race!  CRAZY People!

Basketball conditioning can officially start next week...and I am more than ready to get this gig going!  I'm excited about the upcoming season and expect that there will be a lot of challenges and I intend to accept and overcome them all !  (Talk to me next week and you might get a different response...keep in mind I'm on a 12-mile runner's "high"...or I'm just lacking oxygen to my or the other?)

Hope everyone is doing well!  Randy...get your ARSE out there and Run!

"If you're going to be a champion, you must be willing to pay a greater price."
                                                                                                 Bud Wilkinson

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Geez Louise!

I can't believe its been 2 weeks since I've been on here!  I can tell basketball is creeping into my schedule because the days are filled with "to-do's"!

Running has been going pretty well, but I've also noticed that the busier I'm getting my cycling has suffered.  Tuesday and Thursday mornings are almost completely unproductive.  All I do is sleep before I go do whatever I need to do on my agenda that day!  Not good...

We signed up for the inauguaral "Finish on the Fifty" 4 miler in November.  I guess you get to finish on the 50 yard line at the Shoe.  Sounds like fun?  Molly was the instigater...and now Jimmy and Randy and Aimee are doing it too!  I'm gonna do this instead of the early morning Turkey day run!  I always enjoy sleeping in on that day...eating... and sleeping again!

With not much to report...I'll leave you with a quote:

"There are three kinds of men:  the ones that learn by reading, the few who learn by observation.  the rest of them have to pee on the electric fence themselves."
                                                                                       Will Rogers

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ohhh My...Jim's New Harley!

Just a bit about my was a rest and recovery week, but I still did an 8 miler on Saturday!  It felt great...until Sunday afternoon when my calves were screaming..."What the H..!**LL?"  Nothing I didn't expect though!

Went home to Bryan this weekend to watch Rob "pull his truck" at the Williams County Fair...and exchange some cash for Jim's newly purchased Harley.  Now...when we say "new", I mean "new" to Jim.  It's a 2007 Screaming Eagle V-Rod...with lots of horse power...from what I'm told?

We know that Rob can't handle having anything "standard" from the this bike has an upgraded exhaust package with some additional "chip" that adds horsepower to the bike?  The tail of the bike has also been modified with a new light package and shorter length to show off the gargantuan back tire...which is bigger than the tire on the FIT...(probably not a surprise to some of you?) There's also a "custom" flip out license plate holder with LED.  C'mon guys, REALLY?  I'm not sure what that tiny little "sissy bar" on the back is for...because the foot pegs are so high in the rear, my leg wouldn't even bend that much to sit on the tiny rear end?  Not to mention that my "rear-end" isn't tiny enough to sit there?  All in all it's nice eye candy!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Monday, September 9, 2013

On A Roll: Week 3

What a great week of weather for training!  I hit some "firsts" this week...well, "firsts" for me in quite a long time...

I ran 10 miles total (a 6 miler and a 4 miler) in 3 days...and 17 miles for the week over 3 days of running total.  Considering I don't run any more than 3 days a week at this point (and have absolutely no plans to do so!) I was pretty happy with that.  That's more running than I've done all year! For all you youngsters who want to giggle at to me when you're 48 years old!  Recovery is a bitch when you're old!  All that running...I ate like a horse, and didn't lose a pound!  More effects of aging...dang it!

I have included a picture of Jim's Harley Davidson.  He is currently in a rush to sell and has it priced accordingly at $7000.  The stats are below:

1999 FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide
88 Cubic Inches
10,660 miles

It has all of the extra's...if you want the specifics, call Jim at:  614-327-9993

Until another day:

"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"
                                                                                                             John Wooden

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Still Training: Week 2

Week two and I'm still going strong...resilience!  Ha!  Actually, the holiday weekend threw a couple of curves into my workout...but when it was all said and done, it ALL got done, and I'm happy with just that!

It was great to see Alyson & Marcus this weekend!  We all got together with John and Aimee and checked out the new breakfast spot...Basket Of Daisy's? (In Milford-Center) I think that's what it's called?  The weather was phenomenal for a weekend ride, the food was was good too!  (Dang it...should have taken a pic!)

In a world that, in my opinion, is getting just a little too crazy for people like me...I heard stories last week of a "gun-totting" cyclist who fears for his safety while out on rides, and yet another of a group of cyclists who were forced into a fist-throwing brawl with a motorist who was unhappy that they were riding their bikes on the road...(I can only assume there wasn't any other reason for the motorist to be unhappy...but I wasn't there?)  I'd like to share a positive story from my ride with Jim last week:
We were riding east past Scotts and over 33.  That can always be a busy spot and a little scary depending on the time of day.  I'm generally just catching my breath and a drink because Jim has just kicked my butt for 6 miles or so on Industrial Parkway.  As a semi approached us from behind he actually took his time to get his truck and trailer entirely in the other lane before passing us...he made an oncoming car actually stop because he didn't move back into our lane until he was ALL the way past us...and at the same time...he gave us a thumbs-up out the window.  This may seem like a small act of courtesy...nothing more than should be expected, but it happens so rarely that I believe it deserves mention when we are constantly or daily bombarded with the negatives.  I don't have many miles in this year...but I hope for more of these experiences and less of the former?  (By the way, the motorist from above that got in the fist fight did spend the night in jail and I'm not privy to what happened next...but a well-deserving night in the tank for sure!)

If you are looking for a good read to get you through a trip...The Supremes at Earls All-You-Can-Eat by Edward Kelsey is a good one!  Makes you laugh....makes you cry...provokes some thought.  My book club read this book and everyone enjoyed it...

Until another day...

"You can't get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good."
                                                                                                                                Jerry West

Friday, August 30, 2013

Chinese Proverb

"Talk does not cook rice."

Brought a smile to my face today...hopefully it brings one to yours too!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Training: Week 1

Week 1 of "Planned" training went great! I know, it's always like that...everything is easy when you are newly motivated! It really was a great week though...and it wasn't all just about "getting started". Having somewhat of a general base by already doing a little running has made it more tolerable. I'm actually cutting my running BACK to running only 3 days per week...and increasing my lackluster cycling this summer up to 4 days! I really concentrated on all the little stuff this week!  I did all that boring injury prevention stuff this week...followed by daily stretching and getting in two resistance training workouts! Now...if I can keep it up for 8 is going to be great! Won't have to worry about getting fat during basketball season either...

My long run happened in Bryan this week. It was my Mom and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary...and my niece Darcie had her baby shower this weekend too! The run was great! I'm following that 5/2 half-marathon program...and I gotta tell ya...I love the lack of stress. At this point my heart rate isn't out of control and I don't care how fast I'm NOT going! (although I noticed that I can still run about a 12 minute mile this way...perfect plan for Galveston, I think?) Anyway...running at home was perfect. I got to run on some nice roads...perfect amount of shade and sun...nice breeze. I even caught up with a snapping turtle trying to cross the road! He was pretty big! My initial thoughts were that I wish I had my phone so I could take a pic...but I really hate the thought of carrying the phone with me...I'll have to chew on that one. It would have been nice to add that picture to the blog?

Another reason why I believe training was so nice was that I didn't let Jimmy kill me on the bike! I've been doing all this stuff to make sure my low back, hip, ass, piriformis feels better...and it only takes one workout that is harder than I need it to be and it's all for naught! I kept him on a pretty tight leash this week! Nothing over 19mph...I'm not going to be racing any longer distances that at this point I don't feel like I need to train that fast. When I get some more mileage under my belt...I'll think about riding harder...or doing some controlled intervals?

I might have my brother talked into a half-iron in 2014 too. He's always wanted to do the Ironman...and I think it would be smart for him to do the half-iron first!

  Molly has committed to the Rim-2-Rim run in October...her training went pretty well this week too! Even on the days she didn't want to workout...she fought through it and did something! Keep moving forward! I hope all went as well for Alyson and Aimee this week too?

7 Months, 12 days to Galveston!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Galveston 70.3 - April 6, 2014

Ok, Jerm...only took me nearly a year! I officially signed up for the Galveston 70.3 this morning! Training during basketball season is going to be rough, but I'm anxious to get back "in the game"...and doing Galveston allows me to visit Alyson in Texas...and do her first half-iron with her! At 10 lbs. to first priority is to work on my base, take off the extra pounds and work all that injury prevention stuff in the weight room! Aimee signed up to do the double in Mont-Treblant in 2014...I'd like to follow her to the half...but one trip up there is enough pain and suffering for me! Here we go! Back into the Madness... "Never make life decisions while going up a hill" Christina Cox (Saw this in Runners World this morning...made me laugh) Natalie