Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Team FIT Training Ride

Thanks to everybody who showed up for the ride on Sunday afternoon!  It was a beautiful, sunny 60 degree day.  Kudos to Ann who started and finished the ride by tacking on an extra 6 miles at each end.  Kudos to Jeremy for inviting extra rider for the rest of us to hide behind in the wind, and kudos to Aimee who toughed it out after running 22 miles on Saturday. 

Beyond Aimee falling on the railroad tracks while standing (yes, she was completely stopped, with her feet OUT of the pedals!) over her bike to pick up my water bottle (it ejected out of my holder as I rocketed across the tracks) in front of moving traffic, the ride was fairly uneventful.  Matt and John couldn't resist some sprints to the nearest signs,  and all the boys sprinted over the quarry hill...I was happy just to make it up quarry hill.  That hill is neither steep, nor long, but at the end of the ride always seems tough.  (and in March, April and May we always seem to have a head wind)

Vince Is At It!

Vince dropped off some initial artwork for our uniform design today.  I plan on taking a gander, scribbling out what we don't like, and getting it back to him tomorrow.  We may not have the uniforms for our May races, but hopefully by June!?  Now that he has the creative juices flowing, I'm sure the turnaround will be fast.

1 comment:

  1. So, with the extra miles I did on Sunday, my easy "30 mile ride" turned into a tiring 44 mile ride by the time I got home! Thanks for the great ride! Hope to do it again soon!
