Monday, August 19, 2013

Galveston 70.3 - April 6, 2014

Ok, Jerm...only took me nearly a year! I officially signed up for the Galveston 70.3 this morning! Training during basketball season is going to be rough, but I'm anxious to get back "in the game"...and doing Galveston allows me to visit Alyson in Texas...and do her first half-iron with her! At 10 lbs. to first priority is to work on my base, take off the extra pounds and work all that injury prevention stuff in the weight room! Aimee signed up to do the double in Mont-Treblant in 2014...I'd like to follow her to the half...but one trip up there is enough pain and suffering for me! Here we go! Back into the Madness... "Never make life decisions while going up a hill" Christina Cox (Saw this in Runners World this morning...made me laugh) Natalie

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